
How are things with Scalys?

"When a consumer is hacked, that is unpleasant. Business clients, however, run the risk of suffering reputational and financial damage."
Hans Klos
CEO Scalys


When Hans Klos founded the electronics company Sintecs in 2000, he quickly learned that his electronics would require excellent security. That was not particularly easy to come by, however. In 2017, he decided to release his own cybersecurity product, the Trustbox, on the market under the banner of ‘Scalys’. It is a smart router that is optimally secured with VPN to allow consumers to browse the internet safely. In 2019, he joined the Novel-T delegation and Startup Delta on their trip to CES in Las Vegas, where he won the Best Innovation Award in the ‘Cybersecurity and Personal Privacy’ category. That was two years ago and the company has since entered a new market. How are things with Scalys now?


“CES did wonders for Scalys’ brand recognition and allowed me to expand my network. It turned out to be an excellent investment investing in the future,” Hans explains. Although winning the Innovation Award led to some interesting meetings, it did not result in a sudden surge of orders. “I learned that consumers are not willing to optimally protect their network. They fail to realize the importance of cybersecurity. On top of that, the costs are too high for them,” Hans continues. Scalys had to change its course. “Together with our partners – Microsoft and NXP – we completely overhauled our business model. We moved from a focus on consumers to a focus on the business market and the Dutch government.” In hindsight, Hans is happy with the choice he made: “When a consumer is hacked, that is unpleasant. Business clients, however, run the risk of suffering reputational damage.”


“These days, almost everything is connected to the internet – from windmills to charging stations and thermostats – but in most cases, not enough thought is given to protecting these devices,” Hans says. The recent trend of vast numbers of people working from home is a challenge according to Hans. “The router that comes with your internet subscription is often not secure enough. That is why it is incredibly important that employers take measures to properly protect their employees’ data,” Hans says. With the Trustbox Connect, Scalys creates a secure environment within an unsafe environment, thereby allowing anyone to work safely. “You can get a wide range of excellent and reliable products in the Dutch market. They are quite a bit more expensive than the average Chinese router, but your security is worth the extra cost, isn’t it?”


“We have demonstrated our ability to change course quickly by changing our business model,” Hans says. Regardless, he has to admit that Scalys has come a bit further than the average start-up. “We utilize the knowledge and experience available in the Sintecs network, which allows us to take big steps,” he explains. It is important to Hans that the company is backed up by strategic partners to help them develop an optimal product. “In light of current developments, I expect us to become a scale-up by next year,” Hans says with pride.


“We have clients all over the world in various sectors, including industry, healthcare, banking and government,” Hans continues. He has an important message for novice entrepreneurs: “Don’t be afraid to change course when you get stuck. Making the move to the business market was an incredibly important decision for us. Without it, we would never have gotten to where we are today.”

The new Trustbox was developed for businesses and governments and will be available in 2021. If you are interested in starting your own business and have an innovative idea, go here to read more about what Novel-T can do for you.


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