Incorporation possibilities

If you’re at a stage where you can incorporate, you might consider Incubase the best starting location. We already agree! Therefore, we have set up a process to make this happen.

[hidden] Incorporation at Incubase


Unfortunately, not all startups are eligible to apply for incorporation at Incubase. Therefore, get in touch with Rens Dommerholt to discuss the possibilities. Feel free to use this template.



If for any reason your startup is not eligible to incorporate at Incubase, we have a second-best alternative. All startups should feel more than free to use Incubase as their visiting address. In that case, you can already welcome visitors in Incubase, even though you might be incorporated somewhere else.

Rens Dommerholt

Hi, happy to help you out. For most questions about Incubase you can best reach out to me! Write me a Slack message or walk by.


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Wij helpen studenten, startups en scale-ups ontwikkelen en de innovatiekracht van het regionale MKB en grootbedrijf te versterken. Succesvol innoveren begint bij ons. Heb je een vraag, idee of wil je graag samenwerken? We horen het graag.