Business Days Twente 2022

[Landing page] Business Days 2022

Between February 14th and April 8th, students can learn, see, get inspired, and get in touch with companies all over the Netherlands. It’s a big show with over 150 companies, more than 2000 students attending, and around 50 activities to experience a lot!

Did we spark your interest?

Sent us your contact details and we’ll get in touch! One of our team members will analyze your application and figure out the best way to help you out. Hope to speak to you soon!

Good to talk to you again!

Good to see that we sparked some interest during the Business Days of 2022! We were more than happy to be there and show you a possible, new route for your career path. Hopefully, we inspired you to consider the startup lifestyle as well. In that case, this is how we could be of help.



1. You’re interested in our community

Every day, over 75+ are fully dedicated to the start of the first years of their business. All our members are people that want to do more than only finish a degree. All members go the extra mile and get inspired and motivated by each other. Our staff is quite ambitious too, so it’s a good crowd to be around!

I want to be a part

2. You wish to explore the startup scene

Besides the free startup support programs Novel-T runs at Incubase, it’s also the only campus community centred around students and entrepreneurship. The business developers, coaches, staff, and fellow members can help you get acquainted in the startup scene: we’d love to show you this exciting, complex world!

Check out our programs

3. It’s still too early to graduate

Then you might as well try something out, right? We know that employers are quite interested in people that tried entrepreneurship. Why? Because you learn to approach problems from another direction, you learn to ‘put yourself out there’, and above all: you’ll see how difficult it is to get something going on.

Read our success stories here


Maak een afspraak

Wij helpen studenten, startups en scale-ups ontwikkelen en de innovatiekracht van het regionale MKB en grootbedrijf te versterken. Succesvol innoveren begint bij ons. Heb je een vraag, idee of wil je graag samenwerken? We horen het graag.